Say, if in Level05, I have two inactive members that are hidden to the users, the parent member in Level04 aggregates the hidden members too.
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I may explore the query performance implications in a future post. HideMemberIf Element (ASSL) | Microsoft Docs. HideMemberIf Element (ASSL). Indicates whether and when a member in a level should be hidden from client applications.
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Pastebin.com is the number one paste tool since 2002. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. Pastebin.com is the number one paste tool since 2002. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. HideMemberIF ParentName is not working in SSAS Thanks Gerhard, I was facing the same difficulty and your advice above worked for me.
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Parent Child • If you know, or can assume, the maximum depth of your hierarchy, there’s an alternative • Normal user hierarchies can be made ‘Ragged’ with the HideMemberIf. In the hierarchy, you should change the HideMemberIf property of the Categories level to OnlyChildWithNoName. uniqueMembers="true" levelType="Regular" hideMemberIf="Never">. Hi I'm just wondering if there's an option to hide the member's tab.
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Marcos, a que te referis con N niveles??, nosotros tenemos dimensiones jerarquicas con varios niveles. Asi esta definido en el xml, si te sirve, te digo como esta en el workbench, Pero no se si entiendo bien lo que estas necesitando. • HideMemberIf • Support for Ragged hierarchies. Employee Hierarchy • Attribute Properties • Hierarchy Properties • HideMemberIf.
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hideMemberIf: String: Never: Condition which determines whether a member of this level is hidden. If a hierarchy has one or more levels with hidden members, then it is possible that not all leaf members are the same distance from the root, and it is termed a ragged hierarchy One can model the dimension using a parent-child hierarchy or one can flatten out a parent-child hierarchy, model each potential level as a separate attribute in that dimension, and hide missing levels in an user-navigable hierarchy using the HideMemberIf property. To “hide” these levels, the HideMemberIf property of each level in the user-navigable hierarchy needs to be set to Parent Name as shown below. Why flatten out a hierarchy when it’s much less intuitive and harder to maintain? Tabular HideMemberIf - allows HideMemberIf setting to be changed Tabular Pre-Build - catches the build event and checks features for BIDS Helper settings that have been lost.